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Signs Your Gas Furnace Is Causing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Your Home

HVAC tech testing CO detectorGas furnaces are generally safe and reliable, but several issues can cause the furnace to malfunction and put your safety at risk. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of a carbon monoxide leak is essential for protecting your health. When you suspect a malfunction in your furnace, the National Heating and Air Conditioning team can comprehensively inspect your system to identify the cause of the problem.

Contact National Heating and Air Conditioning at (513) 621-4620 to request a $29 furnace inspection in the Greater Cincinnati area.

5 Signs of Carbon Monoxide in Your Home

Because carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, it’s important to pay attention to other signs that indicate the presence of a leak and take prompt action when a leak is suspected. The following are some of the most common indications that your gas furnace is leaking toxic carbon monoxide emissions into your home.

Frequent Headaches & Shortness of Breath

Frequent headaches and shortness of breath are caused by nitric oxide buildup within the body that causes hypoxia. Ultimately, as CO builds up within the body, it interferes with the body’s ability to deliver oxygen to tissues. In turn, this causes shortness of breath.

Illness Symptoms Only at Home

In addition to headaches and shortness of breath, CO poisoning can cause nausea, vomiting, disorientation, and increased heart rate. It’s also known to cause considerable dizziness, weakness of limbs, and, in severe cases, loss of consciousness.

Soot Marks Around the Fireplace

Soot is the residue that forms after the consumption of carbon-based fuels. Soot marks around your furnace or fireplace are indications of incomplete combustion and poor ventilation.

Increased Condensation Around Windows

Carbon monoxide doesn’t cause condensation; rather, the presence of condensation indicates improper ventilation within your home. The combustion process generates water vapor, which then condenses as it comes into contact with the cold glass of the window.

Pilot Light Issues

A yellow pilot light is a common indication that your gas furnace isn’t burning fuel efficiently, creating carbon monoxide. When the pilot light is bright blue, it indicates that the fuel is burning efficiently and completely.

How Older Heating Systems Put Your Home at Risk

While any gas furnace can suffer a malfunction that can cause a carbon monoxide leak, older furnaces are especially prone to problems. As components age and wear out, there is greater potential for a leak. Problems with pilot lights, cracked heat exchangers, blocked vents, and damaged fuel lines are the most common reasons for carbon monoxide poisoning.

While most cases of carbon monoxide poisoning occur during the fall and winter, leaks can occur throughout the year when the unit is in its heaviest use. And it’s not just your furnace that can pose a hazard. All fuel-burning appliances, including gas and wood-burning fireplaces, gas stoves and ovens, water heaters, dryers, and boilers, can cause CO leaks.

If a furnace inspection determines your furnace is functioning properly but you still have signs of CO monoxide poisoning in the home, you’ll want to schedule inspections of these other systems immediately.

Get a $29 Safety Inspection for Your Older Furnace

How much is the health and safety of your family worth? It’s a difficult question to answer, but $29 is a fair price for the peace of mind and security that comes with a thorough inspection. When you suspect a carbon monoxide leak, the National Heating and Air Conditioning team will thoroughly inspect your gas furnace, gas fireplace, etc., to determine the presence of a leak and identify the required repair solutions.

Our furnace inspection services take about an hour to complete, and we will provide you with a detailed assessment of your system’s condition. Your safety is our priority, and we use a full range of sensors and tools to ensure the safe and reliable performance of your furnace.

Do you suspect your older furnace is leaking carbon monoxide into your home? Contact National Heating and Air Conditioning at (513) 621-4620 to schedule a furnace inspection in the Greater Cincinnati area today.

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